Greatest Achievement Blog# 6

So the biggest achievement I managed to have gotten at my business which would be my job at Value Village is getting a letter of recommendation from one of my super visors saying I went above and beyond the call of duty. It was a Tuesday which tend to busy during the summer and it was the fourth week of working at Value Village and my Supervisor for that day Shema came to me and she told me that the regional sales manager was coming in the next day and she needed CDC (Community Donation Centre) clean and tip top shape. So in between customers that were arriving every five minutes I would have to try my best to sweep the CDC room to make sure it was clean. After about two hours I finally managed to sweep all the build up of dust and dirt from the outside in the CDC room after all the interruptions. I thought I was finally finished but then I noticed the room had not been cleaned properly in a long time so it needed to be mopped. So I had asked my supervisor for a mop and I ended up mopping the room three times before the end up my shift which was at 9:00pm so by the end of my shift I was exhausted. Thankfully in the end it was worth it because the next time I worked Shema called to the manager’s office in which she added a letter of recommendation to my file and gave me a physical copy of the letter which is a great achievement especially since I do plan on trying to find a new place of employment this summer. Which goes to show putting in the extra work does pay off sometimes.

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