Amazon case study blog #4 post

Amazon is a business that has great interaction with it audience online because they know the importance of customer service and interaction. On their twitter account amazon is constantly interacting with its community and sharing stories about how it has made a positive difference in peoples’ lives such as with its recent campaign of #mysweetheart where Amazon shares stories about how Amazon and their love ones make a life better for each other. Yet more proof of the fact that Amazon is quite active is just this morning since I last checked they had announced a contest known as the #primepet in which you pet will be featured as the pet in the ad for Valentine’s Day. While on the official Facebook page of Amazon they are using similar marketing techniques but still posting different content that is more relevant to their Facebook fans but also using the page to help customers who are having issues with their store which is actually has positives and negatives. The positives of helping users on their Facebook page shows to their customers and potential customers that they do strive to help their customers even when they make mistakes. While on the negative side of this is it shows people that Amazon does in fact have issues. Amazon also uses LinkedIN in which they use to market themselves to potential employees by telling people who job openings there are and what Amazon is currently working on in the world. One example is Amazon is currently working on building biodomes in Seattle. Amazon also has links to their other pages on LinkedIN such as Amazon Business, Amazon Payments, and Selling Services on Amazon each having their own purpose and targeting a different aspect of their social media market.|twcampserp|twgrauthor

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