COM0014-PMu Assignment #1 Blog Post 6 – Do People Know Your Story?

COM0014-PMu Assignment #1 Blog Post 6 – Do People Know Your Story?

I choose the question “What is your industry’s greatest flaw?”.

Information Technology Service Management’s (ITSM) greatest flaw is not recognizing the interconnected nature of the multiple disciplines involved in the endeavour.

ITSM tends to treat each discipline as a silo, and segments and parcels assignments in such a way that they can work against each other, reducing the overall combined effectiveness of a multi-disciplined team working together.

Typical ITSM projects require a variety of disciplines including  contract management to understand the client requirements, subject matter experts (SMEs) to provide business and technical solutions, business analysts to map the client’s work flow, test and quality specialists to assure functionality and compliance to requirements-and trace those requirements back to the contract for contractual compliance, organizational change management for business transformation and change management for version control of artifacts such as documents and deliverables, communications management for awareness and information sharing (telling the story of the project) and project  management to monitor, control and report on the various disciplines’ progress, risks and issues to management, team members, stakeholders and suppliers, and provide scheduling dates for communication purposes.

Sometimes software development may be an additional discipline if the initiative involves either designing a custom software solution or implementing a commercial software application package to meet the requirements.

I view ITSM as an integrated approach by managing the multiple disciplines as a cohesive team and transitioning through the project lifecycle stages to project completion.

My approach to ITSM uses specific steps at each stage of the project lifecycle based on my experience planning, delivering and reviewing large scale complex ITSM projects, and performing project, quality and business analysis roles to work interactively with the multi-disciplinary team members, suppliers, stakeholders and senior management.

I plan to provide insight, awareness,  examples and analysis through blogs, comments, white papers and presentations as the mechanism to inform readers of the approach to ITSM and engage with the desired audience where I can offer ITSM  professional services.

Based on my social media course I will use WordPress as my social media home base with LinkedIn as an outpost, and as I develop trust and recognition examine how Twitter could extend my outpost reach and interact more rapidly and in ‘real time’ with my prospective audience using the immediacy of the 140-character message versus the detail of the home base material.

Do you find this approach informative, interesting and/or engaging? Do you have feedback or an alternative point of view or opinion? Please consider sharing  your alternative view, opinion or experience with me.

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