Blog #5

In a regular Tuesday Morning Commentary by Brent Barootes from the Partnership Group, Mr. Barootes quoted a factoid from Adobe’s The Social Intelligence Report.  Their research stated that the day to achieve the greatest amount of engagement on Facebook is Friday.

I am not surprised by this as Fridays are traditionally the most likely “goof-off day” where you celebrate the end of the work week and beginning of the weekend.  This is even more likely if you are a Millennial.  Although the article below doesn’t identify a specific weekday, it does make clear that Millennials treasure their work/life balance and are willing to take a day off if they feel they need it.  This is coupled with the fact that this age group (18 to 34) are the most active in social media.

But the best thing about fooling around – I mean engaging- on Facebook on a Friday is that you don’t have to actually take the day off do it.  You can just sit at your desk and engage like crazy.

The Report suggests that a Friday post is a must in your social media schedule.

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