Recaps & Goodbyes 

Recaps & Goodbyes 

The Art of Studying Social Media. & Goodbye to Fellow Bloggers. 

Photo: Waving goodbye.  

When it comes to social media, people may say that it can have many different definitions based on their personal agendas. Social media may have different definitions, but when you take the opportunity to study the foundation of social networks, such as from a postsecondary level of education, like studying the social media program at Algonquin College, you get the opportunity to learn the true default definition of social media. It’s time to say goodbye to the old definition of social media that ‘’it varies based on your agenda’’ and say hello to what social media actually is. Also, a special goodbye to colleagues and the teacher of the introduction to social media class, as we got the opportunity to collaborate and analyze the true definition of social media together. 

For example, someone on Quora asked, “What is a short definition of social media?” Many users responded with many different definitions of social media without a clear, short response because social media requires research and deeper knowledge to truly understand the true definition of social media. 

What is the true definition of social media? 

The true definition of social media is that social media is the interaction among people to exchange information in virtual networks with the default ROI (return on investment) being engagement, and that everyone automatically represents a personal brand whether they are aware of it or not.

What makes social media addictive?

•Social media benefits when it comes to the internet are ROI, such as investment to feel more connected to what matters to you, or money investments, or to boost egos, or normal engagement. The second feeding link to social media addictiveness is SEO, which is to promote personal branding. ROI and SEO are the two building blocks for everything that is happening on social media. 

Photo: Addictive Social Media (Singh) 

As the default definition of social media is associated with the ROI of engagement. People automatically engage by either creating or sharing contents, whether for business-related or personal agendas. In return, everyone hopes that their contents will always reach their customers or their friends and family. Therefore, no matter what agendas you have on social media, the default ROI will always be engagement. For people who find themselves being addictive to social media, the best practice would be to acknowledge your ROI, meaning the reason why you are using social media, and then create multiple ways to get your ROI outside of social media instead of focusing on and relying on one platform. 

 Did you know art can reduce stress, and improve your mood? 

Photo: Amazing art by Erika Farkas.

As this is a special blog on the topic of recaps and goodbyes, I enjoyed being part of the online Introduction to Social Media course, in which I also got the opportunity to view amazing artwork by Erika Farkas ( Art allows us to see the world in a new and different way, and it brings people together. Now with the presence of social media, I will have the opportunity to subscribe and to follow Erika Farkas amazing art on social media.

Unique points of view on different types of engagement and personal branding styles on social media can be found below, published by my colleagues. These topics are essential for people to deeply understand social media engagement. 

According to Statista, there were around 4.48 billion social media users worldwide in 2022, with growth expected to continue in the future. By 2030, researchers expect that the number of social media users will exceed 5.5 billion, accounting for a sizable share of the global population. On the other hand, in the future, the definition of social media could yet again change. For instance, Facebook now has video games on its platform and dating features. 

Photo: Personal branding. (Vowels, 2024)

The power of SEO. SEO is the process of optimizing your network platforms and content to boost your exposure in search results. Therefore, as social media continues to grow, it is becoming a default that everyone has social media accounts, even when not actively using them, people create accounts just for the purpose of SEO, so that they could lead the researcher to where they want to lead them. For instance, if there’s two great candidates for a job opportunity and one of them uses social media and the other doesn’t, if the employer decides to search for the names of the two candidates on the internet and their social media comes up, if it turns out that the person who has social media’s personal branding matches the job description, it is most likely that the person with social media may get the job instead of the person for whom they could not find any valuable examples of their personal branding style. That is why now people may create social media accounts and post only 10 to 20 posts promoting their personal brand; never use the account again, but leave it open just to lead the researchers to what they are looking for. SEO is the main feeding link when it comes to competitions on the internet because everyone wants their SEO to be unique.

Now that we say goodbye to the old definition of social media and, as we know, the current true definition of social media is that its default ROI is engagement and everyone automatically has personal branding, are you confident and align with your personal branding? Once again, thank you and goodbye, colleagues. It was a pleasure to participate in these amazing blogs defining social media in spring 2024. 

My personal opinion can be found on VSCO and Twitter below.



Can You Find True Love on Social Media?

Can You Find True Love on Social Media?

Social media dating.

Photo: Digital love.

As social media continues to evolve and become a default part of our lives, it could also lead to people finding the love of their lives via social media. Let’s dig back to how dating used to be before social media compared to the modern world. 

Meeting someone online was not always the way of life; before social media, people used to scout for potential partners in their everyday outdoor activities, and ways of communication were via letters and in person. In the good old days, the letters were passed by friends or cousins until they reached your partner or crush. People used to feel like the efforts and interactions were more meaningful as they required more effort. 

Before social media, it also helped and motivated others to go to events more often and have outdoor hobbies. Personal experience, having to write letters back then helped build poetic skills. In my own country, poems used to be very famous and valued, compared to the modern world, it’s not easy to come across a poem. 

Photo: Couples holding a heart. 

In the modern world, many people may feel less motivated for outdoor activities, and the introduction of social media may change people’s confidence for good or bad. The good news is that social media makes it easier to stay connected and increases the chance for relationships abroad. Social media gives people the opportunity to share their experiences and interests with others, which could help when making a decision.

Top social media for dating: Instagram, & Facebook.

Top dating apps: Tinder, & Bumble.

Although influencer culture is another way that social media has influenced modern relationships, when influencers upload perfect pictures of their supposedly flawless relationships, it’s easy to believe that your own love life is lacking. Therefore, it is important to realize that social media is not real life, and the interactions we see online are frequently carefully curated to offer a specific picture. While it’s a fast process when it comes to meeting someone new online, the most basic things that people would ask on the first two dates are usually known because of the person’s profile. If both parties’ representations on social media are true and accurate, it could also be a beautiful story to meet your partner online as well. Sharing passions with one another on social media can lead to creating a deep bond. 

In the presence of social media, there are usually two main types of people when it comes to connecting with someone new. Some people may have a default standard that the first interaction must come in person first, while others may be open to the idea of meeting someone new online. What type of personality do you have when it comes to meeting someone new? 

My thoughts are available via Twitter and Vsco below. 



Photo: Poem

What it’s like weekly fully connection to nature, Digital marketer expert, and being a healthcare worker!

What it’s like weekly fully connection to nature, Digital marketer expert, and being a healthcare worker!

Photo: Healthcare symbol with nature leaf 

In a world full of fun activities available and many careers to choose from!

Today I will be describing what it’s like personally being a healthcare worker, and a person who enjoys outdoor activities! 

Blog categorise: My blog is about sharing social media strategies and tools, and to be able to provide positive feedback and help in the social media blog community.  

My name is Anderson Frederic, a wonder from the Caribbean sea Haiti that is now currently living in Canada.  I’m a healthcare worker at The Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus, and a Digital marker business owner. I’m a goal oriented individual that loves the outdoors, sports, bicycling, and nature. Interesting fact: Riding all of Ottawa’s well-known bike rails is one of my goals. I’ve biked in Baseline, Merivale, Lincoln Field, Britannia, Westboro, and Gatineau Park Moussette, Dow’s Lake thus far. My last activity was Saturday, May 25th 2024 participating in the Ottawa race marathon weekend.  

As we know Social media is digital technology that allows the sharing of ideas and information, including text and visuals, through virtual networks and communities which makes it extremely useful to humans. However, when it comes to the online world, everyone is a unique brand to themself whether we are aware of it or not. This article is very useful  if I would like to learn more about the brand that you automatically represent online. On the other hand, once a person knows their brand it is important to have a strategy online, and as I’m a healthcare worker and a person that enjoys outdoor activities, part of my unique self brand representation is nature, and hospitality. My strategy for social media is having a schedule which helps with my career and hobbies.

Self Schedule strategy 

Mondays: Social Media catch up day

Tuesdays: Digital Marketing business inquiries day

Wednesdays: Friends day

Thursdays: Self reflects day

Fridays: Family day 

Sartudays: Biking or running day

Sundays: Family day outdoor activities 

*while working at the hospital as well 4-5 days weekly. 

I’ve been a member of the healthcare field since 2021. I am passionate about the healthcare field, and it provides me with the opportunity to help make a difference in the lives of others by performing my work with care, passion, professionalism. In the healthcare field, all departments matter, from team 1 to team 7, well all must provide excellent work to keep the flow going for the next stages and treat the patients as if they are our own family. As of spring 2024, I’ve decided to further my skills for my digital marketing business, by taking the Social Media program from Algonquin College. Having a strategy helps me balance my career, hobby, and time with friends, family. 

Social media schedule helps me to stay updated with everyone, as it helps me to maintain professionalism and release pressure of not engaging with friends online and clients online as everyone is aware of my schedules and I am aware of theirs  which makes it work perfectly with no pressure. That is why it’s important to know your online brand, and the importance of social media strategy. I find this 15 tips to build a better social media presence article very well informed about social media strategies if would like to learn more for social media management  

What is your unique online brand? And what is one strategy that you use online that represents it? Let me know in the comment below or LinkedIn, or thread . My LinkedIn and thread is below which I’m using as my social media while participating in this great journey of being part of the Social Media program. Let me know your feedback there as well. 




Would your behaviour on social media have changed if it was restricted from country to country, instead of it being a global interaction?

Would your behaviour on social media have changed if it was restricted from country to country, instead of it being a global interaction?

Restricted Social Media

Photo: CTV News viewers’ access being blocked.

As of March 2024, a prime example is the news sectors for Canadian news on Instagram are not available due to a canadian government legislation which shows a similar point of view result of what abroad users would see display on other users accounts that are outside of their country if all social media in general where restricted from country to country. 

Understanding how social media automatically impacts our behaviour. We must first gain a deeper understanding of ourselves in order to better comprehend how social media affects us. We are always evolving, affected each moment by people, environments, and events, in ways we are aware of and in ways we aren’t aware of. Key benefits of social media being globalised is that it allows us to feel closer to family and friends that are in other countries, and it allows worldwide promotion in a business point of view. On the other hand, some of the most common negative impacts of social media are privacy, spread of misinformation, & harassment. Now let’s imagine the new impact social media would have on people’s behaviour if it was restricted to only interacting with users in your country.

In a world of restricted social media from country to country; people would be less addicted  to social media because they will already know most things that are happening in their environment compared to before where people go online just to seek new information. Next, it would help stop the most common concerns that everyone have when it comes to social media. Privacy,  people normally fear social media because of privacy concern and the pressure that the whole world could be watching. If social media is restricted by countries people would have a different mindset because it’s local viewers and more open minded. 

Photo: restricted sign, and people socialising in different countries.

For everyone that only uses social media for friends and family abroad interactions you might think it would not benefit you that social media is restricted but instead it could be a positive impact instead because it would stop miscommunication, and help with deeper and memorable communications. For instance people like to share things on social media hoping it reach the right target or share it directly with their friends, and family, whereas, if you can’t share with them you would have to call/facetime them on phone number to share your information or jokes, that would make both party feel better and closer as you facetime them or heard their voice for the day. Based on all these positive impacts, social media could indeed be better being restricted to having access to users in your country only, and it would shift people’s behaviour on social media dramatically in a positive way. 

#Socialmediaprivate this hashtag could be used to protest and spread awareness. 

Would you prefer social media being restricted access country to country? Take this short Yes or No short survey and comment your opinion below!


You can see the poll results! 

My personal opinion on the potential new behaviour and point of view of restricted social media can be found on LinkedIn , & Thread below. 

LinkedIn post:

Thread post:

Photo: Adapting to new change of behaviour.

The ultimate battle for the future of social media! Snapchat and X vs TikTok and Thread

The ultimate battle for the future of social media! Snapchat and X vs TikTok and Thread

Photo: TikTok versus Snapchat 

In the social media world writing, and video style are very important, and today we will look at different writing and video styles and features different social media have for the users and hope that the users prefer their writing style. 


-Temporary videos

-10 seconds maximum per videos 

-Captions and filters



Permanent videos.

Video can be 15 seconds to 3 minutes long, or upload to 10 minute maximum.




Tweet length limit is 280 characters for free accounts and 25000 for X Premium subscribers



-500 characters no subscription requires

Microblogging is one of the preferred methods of socialising for tweets example X and threads. When it comes to choosing the preferred social media platform it is common that people tend to stay with the one that they are already most familiar with while new users tend to go for the latest platform, but now it’s the battle for the future users . On the other hand, an example of vlog could be Snapchat and TikTok. According to Khoros (2024) the most dominant age group for TikTok and Snapchat are young adults between the ages of 18 to 24, which is 37% percent of the users on the platform. Snapchat first gained popularity in the 2015-2016. For example I myself used to enjoy the idea of posting temporary posts and sharing the present moment but as time passed, Snapchat always added new features to the point I myself and potentially others might have felt the same way that the platform had lost its values due to having too many features such as ads, discovery modes. Meanwhile TikTok became popular in North America approximately 5 years ago. Both platforms have similar features with the main difference being that snapchat contents are temporary while TikTok contents are permanent.

 If you had to start over and choose a platform right now, which platform would you choose knowing that there’s two options available between TikTok and Snapchat? 

Photo: Threads versus X formerly Twitter 

While TikTok and Snapchat battling for the short videos based platform. X and Threads are battling for the texting based platform. X focuses on evolving the platform making you pay for all interactions. In 2013 X team tweeted  that they launched a trial that all new users in New Zealand and Philippines had to pay $ 1 after signup to use the platform. That is why more people should switch to threads and support threads further grow by providing feedback and support to the platform as X is no longer in anyone’s interest but the company itself which is not a true representation of the definition of social media. Sign up for Threads today to experience the newly trending social media platform. 

When it comes to choosing a social media platform we always like to compare the statistics. Based on a statistical report from Khoros (2024) TikTok is currently superior to Snapchat. TikTok has over 1.200 billion monthly active users compared to Snapchat ‘s 750 million active users. Another benefit of TikTok is that you can use it on a desktop compared to snapchat which is best for app application only. Here’s the link to Tiktok where you can have an overview of TikTok with the option to sign up. For employees and digital marketers, TikTok is also a great way for promotion by representing the company showing behind the scenes of some works or tutorials which a lot of viewers would be looking forward to for better understanding of the company. Bonus you can get paid on TikTok as well for being a creator. Those income from TikTok could be sent to the donation portal of the company. Based on these factuality, the new platforms seem to be going in the best direction compared to the oldest platforms. There’s a video by Jade Beason (2023) on YouTube demonstrating how to use threads and its benefits at Complete guide to Threads if you want to further learn more about Threads and TikTok tips video for learning about features on TikTok.

Checkout my latest post regarding my choice of that topic on X and VSCO. share your thought as well on other social media platforms!

X post:

VSCO post:

#TeamTikTok   #TeamThreads   #TikTokandThreadsarebetter or are you cheering the other way around! 

Photo Cheering  of choice