How Authors Promote Books through Social Media

Have you always wanted to write a children’s book? I have always wanted to write a children’s book. I have recently started writing. 

Photo by Engin Akyurt on


One of the main challenges I’m facing is how I will market this book to not only a publisher but also to readers.  If the book ever gets published my target audience would be children aged 3 – 5 years.  In my journey, I have been reading articles and blogs about authors getting started. I discovered like a movie released to theatres; you need to promote the book before it is released.

Social media connects you to the entire writer community; this includes published authors; mom groups online; libraries to bookstores. Choosing a social media platform, you are comfortable with that will hit your target audience is a challenge. Most publishers will not spend any money on promoting your book if you are not a celebrity.

Author branding needs to be distinctive to focus on what you want to write. It should show your personality through your writing.  Create consistent content to why the book is pertinent to the audience you are trying to.  Who does it appeal to? Who your target audience is? What would your target audience search to find you? Answers to basic questions will help you along the way to promote your product.

One single social media post can make all the difference when promoting a book or any event. Making a video describing what your book is about on YouTube in a meaningful way.  Holding up the book where it is clearly visible. Share the main struggle of the character and present a couple of questions. Where they can purchase the book is essential.  Tagging the illustrator and yourself.  Respond to comments so they can feel seen and appreciated.

There are many authors that have websites providing tips for new authors. These websites also have paid instructional 1-on-1 sessions.  Eevie Jones author and owner of Children’s Book University has several YouTube clips such as These clips provide tips on your profile picture to be used for social media. She provides insight into your professional Facebook profile.  Suggestion to use since it will share everything from your Instagram, TikTok, X, YouTube and Facebook profile.

Share pictures of your book on Instagram or Twitter using relevant hashtags like #picturebooksareawesome.  If you need help try using which will provide you with the best hashtag suggestions.

X Post: check out my new book and new adventure #pugslovebaking

What to do if you are an insecure writer, join a social media group: Insecure Writers support Group

9 thoughts on “How Authors Promote Books through Social Media

  1. As social media continues to evolve, influencers that continue to spread awareness that social media is not always accurate could be considered heroes! Which got me to think that in the future if social media platforms could have an automatic pop up once in a while that reminds all users that not every posts are has they seem would be a great way to continue spreading awareness.

  2. This article provides a perfect explanation on how to start your first book journey, which could boost new writers’ confidence. Another best way to promote book after it has been published is encouraging the parents or asking them to take faceless pictures of the kids reading the books to promote on your Instagram in return for future discount or discount upon release,  this method allow more engagement and decrease the point of view of selling the book on social media, as you stated the love and passion for written books for kids, this method represents that and focused on the emotional aspects.

    • Hi Anderson,

      Those are great ideas. Having children holding or reading the book without showing their face is a great suggestion. A future discount is another great idea to help with having repeat parents to buy the next book at a discount. Thank you for reading my blog.

  3. Hi Lesley, you are right, to promote a book by an unknown writer is challenging, sort of similar to my case when I want to promote a new artwork, but not many people heard of me as an artist. You have to build your writer persona and find your own voice first. Have you considered eBooks? I believe Amazon has a way to publish eBooks, although I am not sure how that works. When advertising your book on social media and your blog, you might want to look into creating a few pages in the form of an eBook that people can download and get a sense of the actual book contents.

    • Hi Erika, yes that is a great idea. I usually did that when my kids where young to see a sample of the pages and what the book was about. I am viewing how others have done this and still learning. Things like how to get an ISBN for your book is new to me as well if you self-publish. Amazon does have e-books so you need to have your social up first with biography and short catch summary about what book is about or problem. Thanks for reading my post. Any social media suggestions are appreciated.

  4. I think writing a children’s book is a fantastic idea! Remember, however, you must appeal to the parent (or the child within the parent) as they are the ones that buy the book.

    I’d like to critique your blog posting. When I read it, I felt you wrote it in the reverse order. knowing your book topic was pugs would have made the reading much more engaging. Adding a few lines from a story along with a pic or two of a dog baking would have been awesome. I like to get into the personal weeds right away when reading blogs. Just a thought.

    The link to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group was a nice touch. Who would have thought there was such a group. Sounds like they are very supportive.

  5. Hi, I know is is hard to get your book out and some things that I have seen or posted a video of you reading the books so people get a feel of what the books are about. Also, you can take pictures of the inside and it might catch some people’s eyes just from the inside and they would want to read the book. you could even try to send it to someone you know who has children and then get them to post on social media saying how good the book is and that would make other people think well this person likes it I might like it and they will read it. good lucky

    • Thank you Ashley. I liked your suggestion to send to a parent with small children and see if they want to post something they liked about the book on social media. Taking pictures of the inside of the book to show is a great suggestion. Cheers for reading my blog.

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