COM0014 – Blog Post #5 – Personal Brand

I must say writing about myself is not an easy task, especially when it is not just a bio or job description. Asking others or even looking back at yearly appraisals definitely helps!

In my current role I work with many different business units with the goal of creating valuable and high quality social media content. I continuously strive to understand the needs, priorities and challenges of the client to ensure myself and the team can meet needs and develop a high quality product, while setting realistic expectations. I have a very positive disposition and I am always is willing to help. I am a strong communicator and strive reduce any possible problems. I am very collaborative and like to include others in the decision process and consistently strive to reach a higher calibre of success/outcomes.

I am strong team player and I am always ready to ask questions, receive feedback to help me develop my skills and experience.

Changing of roles over the years, along with working in a fast-paced industry such as communications and social media has afforded me a great deal of flexibility. I learn new skills and tasks quickly and on the fly, while still ensuring quality results. I am always willing to take on new projects and tasks as social media is fast-paced and ever-evolving and many requests do come in on the fly with quick turnarounds. I am continuously able to bring my past role and experience in public relations, media relations and communications to the table in my current role in social media to suggest new ideas and solutions, and think outside the box.

Bringing my past work experiences and life experiences to the table has allowed me to create innovative out-of-the-box campaigns and content that have resulted in record setting social media results for my company.

I am constantly energized by the evolution of social media and its effects and benefits to businesses at large, and bring that excitement with me every day to each task I tackle.

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